A fork in the road illustration between consistent policies and exceptions to policies

How to Handle Requests for Exceptions to Your Reseller Pricing Policy

Navigating through the complexities of pricing policies often leads brands to confront a critical concern: the management of exceptions. Most strive to create a uniform environment, treating all resellers equally when implementing a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy. However, what happens when a reseller requests an exception to this policy? We’ll delve into how to appropriately handle these requests and discuss potential pitfalls when exceptions to a MAP policy are made.

Understanding the Intricacies of MAP Enforcement

The enforcement of a MAP policy isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy. According to Jeremy Richardson, Esq., a partner with the law firm Smith Gambrell, on episode four of MAPP Trap’s Legal Briefs, brands are not legally obligated to uniformly apply their MAP policies across all retailers. Each violation could present a different set of circumstances based on the specific retailer, making it challenging to uniformly enforce the policy in all situations.

Nonetheless, Richardson cautions about potential legal issues that may stem from inconsistent enforcement. Allegations of unfair business practices can arise when a MAP policy isn't evenly enforced. Therefore, it is generally advisable for brands to aim for uniform enforcement across all retailers, irrespective of their size.

Understanding the Intricacies of MAP Enforcement - Be Consistent.

The Concept of Business Judgment Rule

At the heart of the flexibility in MAP enforcement lies the Business Judgment Rule. This legal principle recognizes that business decisions, including those concerning MAP policy exceptions, are best made by company managers, not courts. It provides companies with wide latitude in determining how to run their operations. This rule allows a company to determine what's in its best interest, meaning, in some cases, it might make business sense to enforce the policy differently with different retailers.

However, while the rule provides a legal safety net, brands should remember that fair business practices are not just about legality. They are also about maintaining good relationships with all resellers and ensuring the brand’s long-term reputation and integrity in the marketplace.

Handling Exceptions Tactfully

When exceptions to your MAP policy are requested, it's vital to handle each case individually. Balance between uniform enforcement and the need for case-specific flexibility is crucial. Although your MAP policy should allow some leeway, avoid detailing specific enforcement measures within the policy, as this might limit your ability to adapt to unique situations.

Handing Exceptions Tactfully

Handling exceptions effectively requires diplomatic communication and a clear understanding of each reseller's unique context. Be ready to address their concerns, but refrain from discussing why certain retailers might be allowed an exception while others aren't. Transparency and consistency are your allies here.

The Risks of MAP Exceptions

Granting exceptions to your MAP policy is not without risks. For instance, if you allow a larger retailer (like a high-volume seller on Amazon) an exception, smaller retailers may feel unfairly treated if they don't receive the same consideration. This could lead to allegations of favoritism or even legal action under Unfair Business Practice Act statutes.

Furthermore, granting exceptions may set a precedent that encourages other resellers to request exceptions, potentially undermining the effectiveness of your MAP policy. Therefore, each exception must be carefully considered, taking into account the broader implications. Not to mention that making too many exceptions can lead to confusion among your important stakeholders, making management a messy affair.

Are MAP exceptions fair or unfair?

Final Considerations and Future Plans

Before implementing the strategies mentioned above, it's critical to have a comprehensive understanding of your resellers - both known and unknown. Identifying your resellers, their reach, and their sales volumes is a fundamental step toward developing an effective and fair MAP policy.

At MAPP Trap, we offer you the tools and guidance to identify all your resellers and manage your MAP policy effectively. For more insights and practical advice, tune in to the Legal Briefs podcast.

Remember, exceptions to your MAP policy should be managed carefully and tactfully. With a well-structured approach, you can uphold a strong MAP policy while accommodating the unique needs of your resellers. By doing so, you can foster healthier reseller relationships, protect your brand's image, and drive business growth.

For expert guidance on managing exceptions and reseller relationships,

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Guides & Tips

MSRP vs. MAP: Which Is Better For Your Brand

Pricing Transparency: How MAP and MSRP Affect Customer Trust

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