Identify and monitor your resellers

Do you know who is selling your products online? MAPP Trap's ecommerce seller identification service helps you identify and monitor your resellers with ease.

Ecommerce platforms like Amazon, eBay and Walmart have changed the game, allowing just about anyone to sell online. Amazon, for example, has more than 2 million third party sellers and many of these online merchants never even see or touch the products they sell.

Finding and identifying these sellers on your own can be so difficult and time consuming that few actually succeed with it. Don't go it alone.

Unveil ghost seller identities

Once you’ve used MAPP Trap’s price monitoring software to get a handle on your list of online sellers, you'll quickly discover many of them have store names you've never heard of. With obscure merchant names and no online footprint, this can make it difficult to enforce your policies. MAPP Trap has the most respected database in the industry to provide you with legal DBAs, principal addresses, principal names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, emails and registered domains of all rogue and ghost sellers in your list.

Take back control of your online channel

Intuitive seller identification reports

MAPP Trap's ecommerce seller identification software makes it easy to get the information you need with just a few clicks. In just a few clicks, you can quickly reference:

  • Total merchants report - A spreadsheet of all of your resellers, including contact information
  • Drill down to find specific information and history of the merchant
  • Top ten merchants by number of violations
  • Top ten merchants by discount %

What might take weeks or even months to reference on your own, MAPP Trap can pull in seconds.

Unveiling ghost seller identities
Expertise and Guidance

"I have been working with Ron and the Mapp Trap team since 2019 and it's been an overwhelmingly positive experience. They have helped me with MAP policies and authorized third-party reseller plans at multiple companies, and I'm really grateful for their expertise."

Andrew Burns, LIPTON Teas and Infusions, Omnichannel Account Executive