Product searches that don't cut corners

MAPP Trap searches your products on,, Google Shopping and other websites every 24-hours, but at different times each day. By employing this "trickle-search" strategy, we're assured of finding violations and violators no matter when they change their advertised prices.

And while many monitoring companies only do code searches (e.g., ASIN, UPC, EAN, ISBN and/or Item #/SKU) MAPP Trap's search algorithms use keyword searches as well. That gives us the ability to search deeper and more thoroughly than anyone.

Unique and thorough searches

Simple and intuitive reports

Our online user interface is simple and intuitive so you don't get data overload. We've styled our reports to meet the most common needs but you can always customize your output for exactly what you want to see.

Executive Frequency Report
Get a birds-eye view of your biggest challenges. The Top 10 Violator Graph shows which 10 products are being discounted the most frequently. The Top 10 Violations Chart shows which 10 merchants are discounting the most frequently.

Incoming Violations Report
Sophisticated, excel-style report displaying individual violations on separate rows. The sortable, filterable, downloadable grid provides all the information and links you need to review and prove violations.

Violations by Merchant Report
Organize all of your violations by Merchant to see the who and then explore the what.

Violations by Product Report
Flip the information inside out to you can see the what and then explore the who.

Automatic weekly reports

Automatic Weekly Reports

Of course, sometimes you don't want to log into a website. Sometimes you just want the information to come to you! MAPP Trap sends you an excel report every week that contains ALL of the information about your search results from the past seven days. The reports even have links so you can dive deeper within our online tool.