Minimum advertised price policy (MAPP) is the glue that holds the economy of your business together, and a bussdness that operates without a MAPP company faces serious risk.
Implementing MAP holidays can give brands and their resellers the opportunity to capture a larger share of the market, which could mean higher profits for all parties involved.
Building and maintaining a strong network of Authorized Reseller Partners can ensure that consumers purchase your products from companies that reflect your values.
MAP policies help ensure that products are consistently priced online, preserving brand reputation and value, but relying on retailers to enforce these policies is risky.
Navigating pricing policy complexities, brands face managing exceptions. When resellers request Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy exceptions, careful handling is key.
An authorized reseller program is an agreement between a brand and its resellers that allows the sellers to distribute products in exchange for certain benefits.
When a brand opens up its DTC channel, it gives itself a direct presence alongside resellers, making the brand more visible to customers and sales partners.
Brands create minimum advertised price policies (also known as MAP policies) for many reasons. Detailing best practices and why compliance is important, this guide covers it all.
In this article, we review the main objectives of a MAP pricing strategy to determine if it helps or hurts your brand's sales. Read on to learn more.
Besides the potential liabilities of writing a MAP policy that hasn’t been reviewed by a lawyer, there is no one-size fits all policy. Read on for more details.
Brands have different, nuanced approaches to MAP Policies that have caused some confusion. The distinctions between MAP and iMAP policies are laid out in this article.
There are many things a brand should consider when planning to implement a minimum advertised pricing policy (MAPP). A frequently overlooked question: “Should we MAPP all of our products?”
The faster the technology and consumer adoption of eCommerce evolves, the more important it is for brand-owners to adopt and enforce minimum advertised price policies (MAPP).
"If Thomas Jefferson was writing a MAP policy, it might begin with the words, “All violators are treated equal.” That's because T.J. knows that all sellers must be treated..."
"Implementing a minimum advertised price policy (aka MAPP) can seem daunting. While there are specific legal implications..."