Ronald Solomon
303-670-5111 or

Who & How Does Amazon Price Match?

Golden, CO (April 28, 2020) – In the world of technology you’ll never hear a company brag about being “followers.” Unless, of course, it’s Amazon and you’re attempting to enforce a minimum advertised pricing or MRP policy. When it comes to that, Amazon says the same thing to everyone: “We don’t drop price first, we follow.” The implication is that if Amazon complies the product’s listing price will go up.

But knowing what they do and who they follow is not an easy task, and don’t look to them for help - you’ll have to figure it out yourself. No easy task, that. Time was that Amazon only price-matched Amazon 3P sellers, but as ecommerce has grown, they’ve turned their eye to Walmart, Target, Chewy (for the pet brands) and many others, both large and small. Fortunately, MAPP Trap has figured out a way to show its clients the answer to the question.

By creating daily comparative analytics of its Amazon, Walmart, Target, Chewy, Google Shopping and other ecommerce site searches, MAPP Trap has created reports that expose the truth about Amazon’s pricing practices. Most times it shows who Amazon follows, but there are other times where it’s clearly the other way around. Armed with that data, MAPP Trap’s clients have more meaningful pricing information to leverage, which goes a long way in defending their brands from price erosion.

As most of us know, many times, one question often just begets another. The next question here becomes, “Now that we know who they match, who started it?” Luckily, MAPP Trap has the answer to that question, too.


A proprietary product monitoring software designed by manufacturers, MAPP Trap monitors Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping and hundreds of other ecommerce sites to find map violations, unauthorized sellers and more. It then “traps” the links to those violations, identifies the merchants’ true identities and gives users the ability to automatically send and track violation notices for policy compliance. One of the strengths of MAPP Trap is its ability to accurately identify unknown or “ghost” sellers.

For more information about MAPP Trap visit, call 303-670-5111 or email